About Panic Disorder

During an episode, people with panic disorder experience severe physical reactions as if they are in danger, even if no danger exists. Panic attacks may include symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath. These symptoms can even mimic those of a heart attack. Experiencing panic attacks can result in a cycle of fearing future episodes and reduced quality of life as individuals avoid situations that might trigger an attack.

The National Institute of Mental Health notes that panic attacks strike unexpectedly and can significantly interfere with daily activities, making it crucial to seek effective treatment. At Bluff Augusta, our goal is to help individuals manage symptoms effectively and regain control over their lives.

Integrated Treatment Approach for Panic Disorder and Substance Abuse

At Bluff Augusta, our treatment program integrates therapies for both panic disorder and substance abuse. Research shows a significant overlap between anxiety disorders and substance use, with a substantial percentage of individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse also experiencing symptoms of panic disorder.

Our treatment program includes:

  • Daily Comprehensive Treatment: We operate seven days a week, providing continuous support to our clients.

  • Dual Focus on Mental Health and Substance Use: Our approach treats both the mental health issue and substance abuse simultaneously, addressing the root causes and symptoms of each.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Each client receives two individual therapy sessions per week, tailored to their specific needs, facilitating a more focused and effective treatment.

Residential Treatment Setting

Clients at Bluff Augusta live on-site in our well-appointed cottages that offer privacy and tranquility. Lengths of stay vary, depending on each individual’s needs.  While in treatment, clients will engage in a range of therapeutic activities designed to treat symptoms and teach coping strategies.

Psychotherapy and Supportive Therapies

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a cornerstone of our treatment for panic disorder, helping patients to understand their panic attacks and develop coping mechanisms to manage and reduce symptoms. CBT focuses on changing thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to the distress caused by panic attacks.

In addition to CBT, our treatment model includes:

  • Experiential Therapies: Therapies such as art therapy or equine-assisted therapy help patients express emotions and process experiences in non-verbal ways

  • Holistic Approaches: These may include mindfulness and yoga, which help reduce stress and improve overall well-being

  • Skill Development: Effective coping skills are taught to manage anxiety and prevent future panic attacks

Empowering Long-Term Recovery

At Bluff Augusta, the ultimate goal of co-occurring panic disorder and substance abuse treatment is to empower our clients with the skills and confidence needed for long-term management of their conditions. By fostering an understanding of the underlying triggers of panic attacks and substance use, we can help clients develop a sustainable plan for maintaining sobriety and managing anxiety.

Contact Bluff Augusta Today

If you or someone you love is struggling with panic disorder and substance abuse, contact Bluff Augusta to learn more about our personalized treatment programs. Our dedicated team is ready to help you achieve recovery and regain a fulfilling, productive life free from the constraints of panic disorder and addiction.