
What Alcohol Does to Your Brain

March 16, 2015|Uncategorized|

In case you think stories about how alcohol can damage the brain are untrue, you should know that according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism around 50% of all alcoholics in the U.S. will suffer neuropsychological problems related to drinking. Difficulties may be mild or severe, permanent or temporary, but statistics show that alcoholics have a 50/50 chance of suffering some type of brain impairment. In support of Brain Awareness Week, Bluff treatment center wants you to know that it’s not too late to prevent or improve neurological damage caused by an addiction disorder. There is good news. The [...]

Antibody-Based Drug Shows Benefits for Meth Addiction Treatment

February 6, 2015|Uncategorized|

An Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)-based medication that was recently developed could potentially offer protective effects for patients attempting to stop using methamphetamine. Eric Peterson, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences have used AAV particles to deliver genes that produce high-affinity, anti-meth antibody fragments in mice. “The antibody-based medications we are developing work very differently than small molecule drugs (such as naloxone and buprenorphine),” Peterson says. “Instead of acting on receptors inside the brain, the antibody therapies stay largely in the bloodstream and bind to methamphetamine molecules, preventing or reducing entry into the brain.” Peterson says that [...]

Study: Stimulating Brain Cells Stops Binge Drinking

February 6, 2015|Uncategorized|

Researchers at the University at Buffalo have found a way to change alcohol drinking behavior in rodents, using the emerging technique of optogenetics, which uses light to stimulate neurons. Their work could lead to powerful new ways to treat alcoholism, other addictions, and neurological and mental illnesses; it also helps explain the underlying neurochemical basis of drug addiction. The findings, published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, are the first to demonstrate a causal relationship between the release of dopamine in the brain and drinking behaviors of animals. In the experiments, rats were trained to drink alcohol in a way that mimics human [...]

Drugs and Your Heart: What You Need to Know

February 2, 2015|Uncategorized|

The effects of drug addiction are serious and far-reaching. The abuse of illegal and prescription drugs can destroy families, careers, and financial stability, while undermining your self-esteem and harming your health. Most substance abusers recognize that drug use can cause early or sudden death; however, not everyone is aware that substance abuse can cause serious health damage that is sometimes irreversible. One of the worst side effects of addiction to substances is damage to the heart and cardiovascular system. Many people are so consumed by the disease of addiction that they no longer care or pay attention to their own health. But your health [...]

How to Strengthen Your Heart – Three Easy Routines

February 2, 2015|Uncategorized|

Most commonly abused drugs can cause various heart problems. The effects vary widely from increasing or decreasing your heart rate, to causing infection or calcification; often leading to a heart attack or vein collapse. Substance abuse damages the heart, so it’s important to make the recovery of this vital organ part of the substance abuse recovery process. Fortunately, even if your heart has been compromised by drug abuse, it’s not too late to take care of the problem and encourage healing. For Heart Health Month this February, we want to share with you the following three ways you can strengthen [...]

Strategies for Managing Stress and Staying Clean

January 19, 2015|Uncategorized|

Drug abuse happens for many reasons, ranging from genetic predispositions to environment to life-related stresses. However, stress in and of itself can be enough to lead to substance abuse, drug addiction or relapse after rehabilitation. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), studies have found the following factors to be true when it comes to drug abuse and stress: Individuals who are exposed to stress are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and more likely to relapse after addiction treatment. Research has shown a correlation between neurocircuits that respond to stress and those that respond to drugs. Animal [...]

Luxury Addiction Recovery Services Offered at Bluff

January 12, 2015|Uncategorized|

If you are seeking more information about holistic addiction treatment, for either yourself or for a loved one, it is important that you look into the details of exactly what a rehabilitation, or addiction treatment center can offer. At Bluff, our goal is to offer rehab services in a serene environment that allows patients the very best opportunity for a lasting, whole-body recovery. Our Approach As a five-star rehab, our approach is different than that of most rehab centers. We believe that comfort is the key to a successful recovery. We believe that a natural recovery is a lasting one, [...]

Healing the Mind Body Connection

January 12, 2015|Uncategorized|

When you are dealing with addiction, a very careful approach must be taken if you are looking for a true recovery, rather than just a short term detox. More than half of addiction patients today relapse within nine months, something that is quite possibly due to the “quick fix” rehab centers that don’t give patients the tools they need for long-term recovery. Fixing the body with a detox can be easy, at least for the short term. However, repairing the mind of an addict and recognizing how the mind and body are connected is much more complex. A recovery program that recognizes [...]

Yoga…for Alcoholics?

January 12, 2015|Uncategorized|

Holistic addiction treatment may seem like a new-age concept, but drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities have always understood and embraced the mind-body-spirit connection. In fact, twelve-step programs embody that concept by combining spirituality and cognitive changes to manage substance abuse disorders. All complementary therapies that can help the body, mind and spirit in the recovery process should be embraced, and yoga is one such modality. Yoga is a spiritual, physical and mental practice that’s shown to be an effective ally for the addict in recovery. Exercise and Recovery Substance abuse takes a toll on the user’s body. Addicts tend to ignore [...]

What You Need to Know About Level IV Detox

January 12, 2015|Uncategorized|

The fear of experiencing detox prevents many addicts from entering a rehab facility and getting the addiction help they need. Detox can range from mildly uncomfortable to severely painful depending on the overall health of the person, the substances they use and the frequency and duration of use. Some addicts try to undergo detox alone, without emotional or medical support, but detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be highly dangerous if a proper evaluation and treatment plan is not provided. When the body becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol to function, sudden and complete absence of that substance may endanger [...]