
How to Manage Pain While in Addiction Rehab

May 5, 2022|Uncategorized|

Recovering from an addiction is not for the faint of heart. Not only does it take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health, but the withdrawal can also be agonizing, and sometimes even downright dangerous. It's one of the reasons many people fear rehab, or the process of becoming sober. They worry about the level of withdrawal-related pain they're going to experience once they begin undergoing treatment, especially during the detoxing process. If you have these same concerns, you're not alone. The good news is pain management is something rehabilitation centers are well aware of, and they have [...]

How to Recognize a Fentanyl Addiction

April 29, 2022|Uncategorized|

As drug addictions and deaths continue to rise each year, it becomes increasingly more important to recognize the signs and symptoms of substance abuse. Most of us are familiar with “hard” drug addictions, like meth or cocaine — but pharmaceutical drug addiction continues to be a highly overlooked problem, especially in the case of opioids. Opioid pain relievers are among the most common drugs to be abused, and fentanyl addiction is among the highest in the ranks. What is fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic, fast acting, highly potent form of medication made from opioids (pain relievers), and it’s significantly stronger [...]

The Ins and Outs of Dual Diagnosis: What it Means for Your Family

April 27, 2022|Uncategorized|

Having a loved one suffer from an addiction can feel hopeless. Watching a family member struggle with mental health concerns is overwhelming, too. Having a loved one go through both at the same time? It can be heartbreaking. If you’re worried that your friend or family member is facing a tough battle against substance use and mental illness, you might be looking at a dual diagnosis. What is a dual diagnosis, though? What is a dual diagnosis? Simply put, a dual diagnosis is when two disorders occur simultaneously. This is often called comorbidity, or co-occurring disorders.  While technically any two [...]

How to Find the Right 12-Step Program for You

April 11, 2022|Uncategorized|

The 12 Steps were initially created by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which was the original 12-step program. Due to its success in assisting so many people in their recovery within the initial years of its launch, other support groups and recuperation centers quickly started utilizing the 12-step method and adapting it to their specific focus.  Almost anyone can find a 12-step program for their individual struggle nowadays, ranging from finding a community for those recovering from a cocaine addiction, to those struggling with a shopping addiction.  Different focuses, but each is based on the same 12 steps.  Attending 12-step meetings can [...]

Preventing Addiction Relapse Naturally

April 7, 2022|Uncategorized|

Relapse is a return to the old, bad habits you are in the recovery process of breaking. Relapse is more permanent than one slip-up, as it begins to occur frequently. As discouraging as this may be, it’s not only a very important learning experience, but a chance to renew your dedication to recovery. While many clients in recovery do experience a relapse at one time or another, it’s not a guaranteed thing. There are many ways to naturally prevent relapse, through simple lifestyle habits that benefit your physical and mental health and give you continued strength and support during your [...]

Identifying a Prescription Drug Addiction

April 4, 2022|Uncategorized|

While every medication has the potential for side effects, prescription drugs — most commonly, opioids, depressants, and stimulants — have a much higher potential for misuse, which can lead to addiction and in some tragic cases, death. Prescription drug addiction is often overshadowed by its illegal counterparts, such as heroin, meth, cocaine, but it’s equally as important to be aware of the commonality and dangers of prescription drug addiction because it, too, has the potential to cause an overdose death. Recognizing an addiction Prescription drugs are assigned for a variety of reasons, including relieving chronic pain, anxiety and depression, as [...]

Fentanyl Treatment: The Basics

April 1, 2022|Uncategorized|

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that was developed as medication for pain management in cancer patients. While fentanyl has legitimate medical uses, it’s frequently made, distributed and consumed illegally. Fentanyl produces feelings of euphoria, relaxation, sedation and drowsiness. Fentanyl is an extremely dangerous drug due to its addictiveness— it’s between 80 and 100 times more potent than morphine according to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. If you’ve found yourself unable to break a fentanyl habit, it’s time to get treatment. Here’s what you can expect. What can I expect from fentanyl treatment? Like treatment for other opioids, fentanyl treatment [...]

How Do I Know Which Drug Rehab Program is the Right for Me?

March 31, 2022|Uncategorized|

Deciding to start drug rehab is the first hurdle to get over. It is a whole different task to choose which treatment program is the best one for your needs.  In this article, we’ll give you the tools you need to feel confident with your choice of drug treatment center in Georgia because choosing the right treatment shouldn’t be an obstacle to healing. Types of rehab programs The first step to choosing a rehab program near you is considering the intensity of treatment your condition requires. This is determined by the severity of an addiction, the substance used, your age, [...]

Drug Rehab’s Most Important Benefits

March 30, 2022|Uncategorized|

Drug rehab has not only helped break the cycle of addiction in the lives of many, many people, it has given new hope and fresh starts to those who never thought recovery possible. Drug rehab offers many benefits to those who seek it out, from a healthy community environment to skills needed to enter into the world post treatment. The Benefits of Drug Rehab Perhaps you're on the fence about rehab; maybe you want to learn more about it to have an educated conversation with a loved one; or maybe you're trying to learn as much as you can about [...]

Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

March 28, 2022|Uncategorized|

Addiction is a serious issue. For that reason, there are important conversations happening regarding the nature of addiction. One of the most contentious debates within the mental health community regards whether addiction can be classified as a disease. Proponents of the disease model say that addiction resembles any other chronic disease since substance use disorders have a biological basis. Critics argue that addiction is the result of a moral failure, a weak resolve to say no or a selfish desire to get high. While there’s no shortage of debate on the topic, the answer is clear— addiction is a disease, [...]