
The Causes of PTSD in Men and Women

August 2, 2022|Uncategorized|

Psychological conditions often have different presentations in men and women, though this area of research and education is often neglected. There has been a push in the academic community to better understand PTSD’s effect on men and women and this article is a summary of what we know so far. An overview of PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that is brought on by experiencing or witnessing a terrible event and being unable to manage memories of the event. This can manifest as some of the following:  Flashbacks Nightmares Avoidance behaviors Depressed mood Hypervigilance  [...]

Is it Okay to Smoke Cigarettes During Recovery?

July 13, 2022|Uncategorized|

Smoking cigarettes always takes a negative toll on your health, and most people would advise against using cigarettes as a coping mechanism, regardless of the circumstance. However, when it comes to someone going through rehabilitation for substance use disorder, the answer isn’t necessarily so black and white, even for many medical professionals.  In this article, we’re going to take a look at whether or not smoking can be an acceptable coping technique during addiction recovery. Why smoke during recovery? Recovery from substance use disorder is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. It’s so challenging that [...]

7 Sober Activities in Augusta That Won’t Disappoint

July 8, 2022|Uncategorized|

The early stages of recovery are often the most challenging, and it’s also this portion of the journey that some people feel especially vulnerable to old desires in their new sobriety. While exploring a new town, or the one you’ve lived in for years, you may find it difficult to find sober activities that differ from your old habits. Augusta is a charming town that offers plenty of options to enjoy a fun-filled day. There are plenty of ways to experience the heart of Augusta that won’t bring about temptation or lead to relapse, and we’re going to share the [...]

The Best Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

July 6, 2022|Uncategorized|

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic event and has turned to drugs and alcohol to manage the distress, it’s time to get help. Here’s what you need to know about dual diagnosis for PTSD and substance use disorder and what you can expect from treatment. What is dual diagnosis? A dual diagnosis is when an individual has two simultaneously occurring mental health disorders. Most commonly, one of the two disorders is a substance use disorder. This can also be called comorbidity or co-occurring disorders. The separate disorders tend to exacerbate the other. While it’s usually difficult [...]

The Benefits of Good Mental Health and How to Take Advantage of Them

June 8, 2022|Uncategorized|

It’s common to hear people talking about maintaining their physical health in the form of nutrition, exercise, doctor’s appointments and the like during addiction recovery. However, you won’t often hear how your family, friends, coworkers and peers in treatment are investing in their mental wellness. Taking care of your mental state is as important as caring for your body. In this article, we’ll explain why this is the case, plus give you tips for getting started. Taking care of your overall health requires that you address the whole person— inside and out. The benefits of good mental health Building good [...]

Holistic Therapy: Engaging the Whole Person in Healing From Addiction

June 3, 2022|Uncategorized|

Have you ever noticed that doing something to take care of your physical health—for example, through exercise—helped to boost your mood as well? According to the concept of holistic therapy, this is the connection between your mind, body and spirit at work. The goal of holistic therapy for substance use and mental health disorders is to help people develop a deeper understanding of these connections between their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. This knowledge can lead to improvements in self-esteem and self-awareness. Read on to find out how you can achieve overall wellness and positive outcomes with this integrative [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Vivitrol

May 24, 2022|Uncategorized|

Alcohol abuse and opioid abuse are two of the most common substance use disorders in the United States and it does not discriminate, harming men and women of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities. With an increase in substance abuse in recent years especially because of the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to know what the recovery options are, for not only yourself, but your friends and family as well. Every person’s journey to sobriety looks a little bit different, and the good news is, there’s a “best” rehabilitation program for each and every one of us. For many people, [...]

Understanding Holistic Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

May 19, 2022|Uncategorized|

Holistic medicine has long been revered and practiced in Eastern medicine but has, for the most part, been marginalized in Western medicine (the standard form of medicine we experience here in the United States). In recent decades, though, holistic medicine has begun to be more widely recognized, respected and even practiced in a variety of forms — including being used to treat addiction. When someone has been battling an alcohol addiction, both their body and their mind have deteriorated to a certain degree, and both need an intense level of care in order to recover. This is where holistic treatment [...]

Overcoming Depression and Substance Use at the Same Time

May 17, 2022|Uncategorized|

If recovering from a substance use disorder on its own isn’t already hard enough, facing depression simultaneously brings on another set of challenges.  Thankfully, in recent years medical and mental health communities have gained an important understanding of the prevalence of comorbid substance use and mental illness. New research has enhanced the way co-occurring disorders are diagnosed and treated. If you’re working to overcome depression during rehab, you can now be treated for both conditions at the same time. While you’re in recovery, here are some tips to keep in mind. How to combat depression during recovery 1. Stop masking [...]

Top 4 Benefits of Holistic Addiction Treatment

May 9, 2022|Uncategorized|

A method of treatment in the recovery community that continues to rise in popularity and prove its success is that of holistic addiction treatment. While holistic medicine has long been practiced in Eastern medicine, it’s only recently started to become more understood and accepted in Western medicine (the standard type of medicine practiced here in the United States). Holistic practices have long been incorporated into conventional recovery plans in order to create a more all-inclusive treatment, fully holistic treatments are becoming increasingly praised for their whole-body and full-spectrum approach to healing. What is holistic addiction treatment? “Holistic” is commonly understood [...]