Holistic Treatment

  • Pleasant psychologist. Pleasant psychologist wearing grey trousers smiling to client while speaking with her

What is Evidence-Based Treatment and How Does it Work?

September 2, 2024|Holistic Treatment|

At Bluff Augusta, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. One of the cornerstones of our approach is the use of evidence-based treatment. But what exactly is evidence-based treatment, and how does it work? Understanding Evidence-Based Treatment Evidence-based treatment refers to therapeutic interventions that have been scientifically tested and proven effective through rigorous research and clinical studies. These treatments are grounded in empirical evidence, ensuring they provide real, measurable benefits to patients. The primary goal of evidence-based treatment is to apply the best available research evidence, combined with clinical expertise and patient [...]

  • Pebble on beach

Holistic Pain Management: An Overview

May 28, 2024|Holistic Treatment|

Holistic approaches to alleviating pain consider the whole person—body, mind and spirit—rather than focusing solely on the physical aspect of pain. By combining conventional medical treatments with alternative therapies, this approach aims to address the underlying causes of pain and promote overall well-being. Holistic pain management often includes lifestyle changes, natural remedies and mind-body practices designed to enhance the body’s natural healing processes. Alternative Pain Management Techniques Alternative pain management techniques encompass a wide range of practices that can be used either alone or in conjunction with traditional medical treatments. These techniques aim to reduce pain and improve quality of [...]

  • Summer sport in Finland - nordic walking. Man and mature woman hiking in green sunny forest. Active people outdoors. Scenic peaceful Finnish summer landscape.

Move It or Lose It: Exploring Movement-Based Alternatives to Talk Therapy

April 23, 2024|Holistic Treatment|

Understanding Talk Therapy: Strengths and Limitations Although therapy and counseling were once stigmatized, it has become much more socially accepted to seek help for mental health today. Positive changes in the social climate have cultivated an increase in the popularity of various therapy modalities addressing a broad spectrum of personal challenges, including chronic mental health disorders and severe trauma, as well as assistance in personal growth and self-actualization. Benefits of Talk Therapy Traditional talk therapy is widely accepted as an effective practice for helping people gain self-awareness and understand their present behavior in light of their personal history. Commonly, people [...]

  • Attractive woman is having a wing wave session with a client. Certified coach uses an integrative neuropsychological method aimed at working with destructive emotional states

Exploring the Connection Between EMDR and Equine-Assisted Therapy

April 15, 2024|Holistic Treatment|

What is EMDR Therapy? Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is aimed at helping survivors of trauma process specific memories. It was created to aid people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) overcome the crippling somatic responses they experienced as a result of these unresolved memories of past negative experiences. Unlike many other therapy modalities, it is structured around processing one specific memory at a time but is not heavily reliant upon conversation about that event. Instead, it employs eye movement and the input of rhythmic, bilateral movement (BLM) to stimulate the brain to create new pathways and process the [...]

  • The girl looks into the eyes of a beautiful horse

Benefits of the Horse-Human Connection for Healing Trauma in Recovery

April 2, 2024|Holistic Treatment, Trauma|

What is Trauma? Trauma is defined as someone’s response to a negative event or tragedy such as an accident, natural disaster or abuse. This could be anything that is experienced as psychologically unsafe, where the recipient felt in some way that they were at severe risk of danger. Those who have experienced trauma may suffer long-term effects which can have devastating effects on their relationships and quality of life. Common symptoms of trauma may include: Flashbacks Nightmares Nausea Sweating  Anxiety Depression Many people may not experience severe long-term effects of trauma, however these memories and experiences may continue to have [...]

  • Mid adult male veterans discusses war experiences during a support group meeting for veterans.

The Best Holistic Addiction Treatment for Veterans

September 6, 2023|Holistic Treatment, Veterans|

No two addiction cases are identical, and no two addiction treatment plans will be the same. What works for one person might only be half as effective for someone else. This does not mean that the treatment plan is inherently flawed, but that each person requires a treatment plan as unique as they are. A truly balanced treatment plan won’t focus solely on healing the body of its physical addiction and resulting symptoms but will also address the full spectrum of a person’s health—mind, heart, soul and life. A whole-person approach also addresses employment issues, relationships and worldview. Integrating holistic [...]

  • Mature psychotherapist talking with depressed man. Coach is discussing about mental illness with man. They are in meeting in psychotherapeutic office

Holistic Alternatives to MAT for Addiction Treatment

March 2, 2023|Holistic Treatment|

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medication in addition to counseling and behavioral therapies for the purpose of treating drug and alcohol use disorders. Though this is an effective treatment method for some, not everyone wants medication involved in their recovery process, for different reasons. Holistic alternatives aren’t new, but they’ve become increasingly more widely practiced in Western medicine, opening up countless new effective remedies for aiding people in their healing. Holistic approaches are, by nature, a full-spectrum approach to healing, which means they are often used in conjunction with traditional methods (like behavioral therapy) in order to be [...]

  • Young man cstamding arms outstretched on top of Yosemite valley, USA at sunrise

A Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Addiction Recovery

February 20, 2023|Holistic Treatment, Recovery|

Holistic refers to an evidence-based, “whole person” approach to healthcare and treatment. While conventional medicine focuses on treating illnesses and conditions as individual diagnoses, holistic treatments believe in a full-spectrum approach to treatment. When you embark on a holistic recovery journey, you’ll simultaneously receive care for your mind, body and soul, in addition to the specific area of struggle. If you aren’t sure a holistic recovery program is for you, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at holistic recovery and what the addiction recovery process looks like for those wanting to [...]