Alcohol Addiction

  • Close-up of young people drinking beer from bottles sitting on sofa and singing to guitar during home party

Alcoholic Myopathy: A Comprehensive Guide  

May 2, 2024|Alcohol Addiction|

Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to muscle weakness, pain and atrophy. This condition is known as alcoholic myopathy. While alcoholism is often associated with liver disease and cognitive impairment, its lesser-known detrimental effects on muscle health are just as significant. In this blog post, we'll explore the causes, symptoms and risk factors of alcoholic myopathy as well as available treatment options to raise awareness and offer support to those affected by this debilitating condition. What is Alcoholic Myopathy? Alcoholic myopathy, also known as alcoholic muscle disease, is a result of long-term alcohol abuse leading to muscle damage and dysfunction. Chronic [...]

  • Man looking depressed while sitting alone with his head in his hand on his living room sofa at home

How Klonopin Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Withdrawal

January 9, 2024|Alcohol Addiction|

Alcohol withdrawal is a complex and challenging process, one that can produce a variety of uncomfortable or even distressing symptoms in the person recovering. There are multiple ways a person can navigate these symptoms, all of which are best to be discussed with and approved by a professional — Klonopin, a sedative drug, is one way. This type of drug is known for reducing physical and mental stress in a person; for those still adjusting to sobriety, it can be beneficial to their recovery. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at Klonopin, and identify the different [...]

  • Young woman sleeping in bedroom

A Look at Alcohol’s Negative Effect on Sleep Quality

December 28, 2023|Alcohol Addiction|

Drinking alcohol makes most people somewhat drowsy – it follows, then, that many would assume a drink or two before bed could help ease one into sleep and provide for a solid night’s rest. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. While it is true that alcohol does increase drowsiness, increased alcohol consumption worsens sleep quality overall and can lead to a restless night of tossing and turning, and not the peaceful relaxation for which you were hoping. Does alcohol disrupt sleep? Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, meaning it works on the nervous system to decrease alertness and [...]

  • Illustration of man imprisoned in a bottle of alcohol, surreal addiction abstract concept

Alcohol Use Disorder: What Should I Look For?

May 2, 2023|Alcohol Addiction|

When someone is struggling with addiction – whether that be yourself or a close loved one – signs are bound to present themselves. While it can be challenging to see the signs, and negative emotions may be present as a result, recognizing the signs is the first step in addressing them. When you know the symptoms of alcohol use disorder, you have the power to do two things: 1) make changes in your life to prevent the signs from turning into a full-blown addiction or 2) recognize that it's time to seek counseling or treatment services to help you reclaim [...]