Cropped shot of a businessman using his computer in his home office
Published On: May 14, 2024|Categories: Substance Use Treatment|1047 words|5.2 min read|

Role of Family Involvement in Choosing a Rehab Facility

The decision to find help for addiction treatment is never easy. Whether you or a family member are starting the discernment process for choosing a rehabilitation program, there are many practical and emotional factors to keep in mind. While intensive treatment may be a great option for your family, it is very important to choose the right timing for admission into a program that suits your unique needs and goals for recovery.

Create a vision: determine your goals

The first step of choosing a rehab program is to evaluate your family’s individual needs. What type of addiction or mental health disorder(s) are you seeking to treat? Determining the need is the first way to begin sorting through the myriad options at your disposal. Many rehabilitation centers are well-versed in drug and alcohol addiction. Other types of rehabilitation, such as eating disorders, however, are a more specialized field.

It is also important to take into consideration any co-occurring mental health disorders that are present. It is beneficial to explore the types of therapy that are most effective in treating these disorders, as they are generally connected in some way to the root of the addiction. A holistic approach will be helpful in most effectively equipping the person in rehab with the tools they need to be successful in their daily life.

Factors to consider

Searching for the right fit for a rehab center can feel overwhelming, but there are some specific factors to take into consideration as you explore your options.

Inpatient versus outpatient

Inpatient facilities are live-in treatment centers that enable people in recovery to have an immersive experience with a higher degree of monitoring and around-the-clock support. These might be best suited for people with more complex diagnoses or long-standing addictions. Outpatient facilities, on the other hand, allow for the patient to maintain some flexibility in their recovery treatment, engaging in regular meetings that fit into their general rhythm of life.

What therapy modalities are offered?

Different rehabilitation programs will offer various types of therapy to their residents during their stay. For example, treatment may include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help the patient gain self-awareness and process their past in order to approach the future differently. Other interactive therapies such as equine-assisted, art and music therapy can be exciting alternatives for patients as well. Holistic approaches such as yoga and meditation therapy have grown in popularity and may be appealing options for you or your family member. Be sure to inquire about what healing options will be available for your benefit.

Facility culture and daily rhythm of life

Some rehabilitation centers have flexible schedules, while others have structured routines that everyone follows. This might include group meals, some sort of labor or household chores, allotted time for recreation, and required therapy sessions. Determine what sort of rhythm would be most conducive for you or your loved one.

Facility amenities

The features of the property should play a role in your decision as well. What type of amenities do they offer? Some common options offered include but are not limited to:

  • Pool
  • Private bedroom
  • Activity or TV room
  • Sports centers, basketball or tennis courts
  • Fitness center
  • Nature walks, ponds or hiking trails

The facility does not have to be perfect to be a great option for your family, but the physical environment can have a large impact on the recovery process.

Cost and insurance coverage for rehab

The price of treatment is an inevitable factor in choosing which rehabilitation program is right for your family, but it shouldn’t be an impediment to receiving the care you need. Verify with your insurance company to see what degree of assistance they provide. Additionally, there are many government programs that are designed to help offset the cost of treatment. Remember that the cost of long-term addiction far outweighs the cost of proper treatment and healing.

Family Involvement When Choosing a Rehab Facility

Addiction and family can be intertwined in complex ways, for better and for worse. While in some cases it may be the best option to make this pivotal decision on your own, it is important to include your family in these conversations if that is a healthy option for you.

Checking yourself into rehab may seem scary to someone who doesn’t have a full picture of your motivations to do so, and these conversations can help to open that line of communication. In the event that you are choosing a facility for a family member, it is paramount that the highest possible degree of informed consent is obtained so that they feel that they are an active participant in this decision.

Your family likely knows you very well. You may have an idea of your top priorities for a facility, and that may be a great start to the conversation, but your family might also have some worthwhile input and thoughts that you haven’t considered. Remember that family dynamics in addiction recovery can be very influential to your long-term success – they are oftentimes your greatest support system when you leave rehab. It is important to educate them on the reasons behind your decision to enter treatment so they can be as helpful to you as possible upon your return to normal life.

In the event that you are choosing a facility for your family member, be mindful of the fact that they may very well not choose to enter rehab if the decision were up to them. Unfortunately, addiction can negatively impact someone’s ability to reason, and obtaining their full consent may not be possible. Even so, try putting yourself in their shoes and imagine what it would be like to have your choice taken away in such a matter. While the severity of their condition may outweigh the benefit of their consent at admission, their preferences should be considered as much as possible. It will come as less of a shock to them if they know what to expect from the facility and have some involvement in the selection process.

Find the Right Fit for Treatment Today

If you or a loved one are researching rehabilitation options, Bluff Augusta is here for you. Contact us online today, or call (844) 242-0806 to learn more about our facilities, therapeutic options, and high-quality care.

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